Please fill out and we will review number request.
Section Two Classifications.
2.1 Classification Criteria
- True beginner: very limited riding skills, only learning to handle a rope.
- Beginner roper. Has limited skills, but is able to ride a horse somewhat comfortably. Has some difficulty riding and swinging a rope during a run.
- Roper is aware of team roping rules and has knowledge of what make a good run. Before nodding, he/she is aware of arena being clear, steer standing properly and horse standing in position in box. Inconsistent catching and handling.
- Roper can ride horse into position, swing rope and dally while keeping an eye on the steer. Roper turns steers in last 1/3 of the arena and ropes slower steers okay but has difficulty on strong cattle.
- Roper has all the basic roping skills, is aware of how horse starts in the box and is conscious of scoring steers. Roper turns majority of stress and handles them smoothly but focus is on catching more than on speed of the run. May all consistency in average.
- Roper is more aggressive, scores clean, usually runs to the hip of the steer and catches consistently. Sets cattle on a tight rope and gets them hopping for a good heel shoot. Roper doesn’t usually take time out of the run.
- Roper is able to adjust steer on set, maintain momentum of the run and help heeler adjust to the corner. Can score tight and usually ropes in the first 1/3 of the arena.
- Roper is comfortable roping at any level to match the challenge of the competition and handles all heading skills consistently. Roper is able to reach and dictate the speed of the run.
- Very elite roper. Very strong roper and can reach and set up run from 2-3 coils away.
- True beginner: very limited riding skills, only learning to handle a rope.
- A beginner roper. Has limited riding skills. Also has trouble riding and swinging a rope, somewhat uncoordinated.
- Roper is aware of team roping rules and has knowledge of what makes a good run. However, horsemanship skills and roper skills are inconsistent.
- Roper can ride quite well and is able to start with steer. Roper is beginning to understand position, timing and delivery. Ropes slower steers but has difficulty adapting to strong cattle.
- Roper has all basic roping skills, including handling slack and dallying. Roper is more aware of position and timing but is not able to rope many steers in succession.
- Roper is able to read steers during the run and adapt to different situations. Usually rides a conservative corner. Focus is more on catching than taking time out of the run. Roper is better at timing but doesn’t consistently catch two feet.
- Roper is able to catch a high percentage of cattle by two feet. Is in full control of horse during the run and can handle pressure. Holds slack a bit longer and dallys on a longer rope.
- Roper is able to ride an aggressive corner looking for the first available shot. Consistently ropes two feet and is beginning to dictate speed of the run. Dallys on a short rope.
- Roper rides aggressive position through the entire run and is able to consistently catch two feet on the first or second hop. Dictates speed of run.
- Very elite roper. Is able to rope on the first hop and come tight on a short rope.
Team Roping Canada will fairly and equitably number all ropers in Canada so that any roper on the “ right day” has the correct handicap so that he or she can win.
2.2 Number System – A number system is used to limit the margin of error in setting roping categories. Each heeler will be classified or rater with a number 1 through 10, according to their ability to rope. Headers will be classified or rather with a number 1 through 9.
The numbering system consists of :
Heading 1, 2, 3, 3+, 4, 4+, 5, 5+, 6, 6+, 7, 7+, 8, 8+ ,9
Heeling 1, 2, 3, 3+, 4, 4+, 5, 5+, 6, 6+, 7, 7+, 8, 8+ ,9
Your classification number is your ability rating as judge by the TRC organization.
If you are a number 4, you can rope with a number 5+ or less in a number 9 roping. If you are a number 4+ roping with a number 5+ you must enter in a number 10 roping.
2.3 Numbering Structure
Interim Reviews:
– Appeals may be made by contacting the office.
– Any private producer can have a roper’s number reviewed.
– Final Judgment in all classifications disputes shall rest with TRC.
-TRC reserves the right to change the classifications of ropers anytime throughout the year, where the roper exhibits a dominance, or clear advantage
or disadvantage at his assigned classification. When an interim change occurs, roper(s) will be notified by mail, or by phone or in person.
Number Ballot review:
– Any roper can put themselves or another roper on the list to be reviewed on the next number ballot review at no charge.
– The TEAM ROPING CANADA office will tabulate and issue corresponding numbers to the ropers.
– Number reviews will take place in the spring and the fall.
2.4 Memberships – Classification cards will be issued for the calendar year and expire on September 30 of the year purchased. Insurance of the classification card does not guarantee that a classification number shall remain the same for the entire year.
2.5 Use of Card System
– Ropers must be prepared to produce their card to receive their winnings.
– If the numbers do not add up, the team forfeits winnings and entry fees.
-If an unclassified roper enters a roping advertising TEAM ROPING CANADA numbers, then the responsibility falls to the contractor to assign a temporary number, provided he forward the personal data on the roper to the TEAM CANADA ROPING office immediately following the roping.
– Use of the number system obliges the contractor to advise TEAM ROPING CANADA of any badly number ropers, high or low, that attend his roping.